Saturday, 29 October 2011


From the previous trial we decided we wanted to compare "stitches" of properties along the two harbours. 
We chose roads leading towards the sea. 
We obtain data from houses around the chosen roads.
We would only select properties that had was marketed with some association to water. eg. the image advertising the property had a view of the harbour or it mentions water in the property description.
We neglected the CBD because we soley only wanted private residential properties.
We chose properties that have an advertising image.
     Due to the above requirement this limits our data to properties sold, rented or for sale in the last 2 years.

Trial One

Here is our first attempt at mapping the data we collected on residential properties in relation to their proximity to water. 

From this trial we realised that we wanted to compare how far inland water influences property value rather than only comparing data from properties in close proximity around the coast. Also, this test made us aware of how  particular  symbols and methods of representation are read and that we need to be careful.  For example the line coming out of the each property represents the land value per square meter but may indicate to a reader of the map the view that property may have.

Collecting Data - Trial One

We collected data for a test map. Data was collected about property's along the coast. For each property we obtained several pieces of information

1. An image used to advertise the property
2. Address
3. Land Value
4. Land Area
5. Floor Area



Our project took has made quite a progression in terms of what we wanted to pursue for this mapping exercise.

We found that we needed to really figure out it what information we wanted to  find.  We have gone off on a bit of a tangent from what we originally was heading towards as we discovered collecting memories from people about places would be quite difficult to first obtain, then translate into data that we could analyse and map carefully. 

Rather than collecting stories/memories to show how a place with/by a body of water becomes significant by its telling we have decided to collect data to show how proximity to a body water can give more significance to property's value.

This idea came from discussions concerning the value of water and questioning this in terms of how it is valued in Auckland.

Previous post : "Auckland can be characterized in many ways with water. It is predominately surrounded by water and it is an area uniquely situated in between two main bodies of water:  Manukau Harbour on the Tasman Sea and the Waitemata Harbour on the Pacific Ocean." 

We decided to collect some data along these two bodies of water.